
I am a 23 year old Kenyan bird who is currently living in Cape Town, South Africa. My aim is to dance with the Holy Spirit across the world through dark seasons and light. I’m alive to constantly live in Wonderland; residence in God. This is a space where everything is full of wonder, a place where I am free to create and free to be me. This does sound so airy fluffy and full of cotton candy and unicorns and is it always like this, no. Wonderland often looks like dancing in the darkness, it looks like tears, it looks like life in its fullness. Wonderland is a place where through the Spirit of God, we can constantly commune and do life with God in season and out.

Me I like very many things. I enjoy adventuring and I’m trying to do so on a student budget. This usually makes life more spicy I must say. Adventure for me looks like different things, it looks like taking trains and taxis to places I haven’t been, it looks like writing, it looks like hiking with strangers, it looks like conversation, it looks like dipping in rock pools, it looks like dancing wherever, it looks like sharing stories with you all.

Oh yeah! I also happen to have studied Sports Science and also have an Honours degree in Biokinetics so I guess I can say I love how the human body works. And lastly, I am a qualified sports massage therapist (I told you I like many things).

Anyway, beautiful humans, welcome to Wonderland (or rather, my section of it)!